Friday, February 4, 2011


 My latest addition to the list, headbands for Amelia.  She has spotted and begged for one every time we go anywhere, but I always wonder if she will really wear it, so I don't get her one.  She picked one up at Target this week while we were running errands that looked a lot like this one, but it was a different color.  I saw how much she liked it and how easy it would be to get one, then I saw price, $5.99.  No way.  Perfect opportunity to make a craft, use up the oodles of scraps of fabric I am trying to get rid of and have a bonding moment with my daughter.  Instead of buying that one, we went to the hair aisle and got a
pack of 5 fabric covered skinny headbands and came home and made these instead.  I have been resistant to the big fluff on the head but I did it anyway.  She has worn it every day since and I have to admit, it's pretty cute, and she can't stop telling me how much she loves it. And she's pretty cute in it, well not in this picture but I had to put one on of her beaming regardless of my ability to take a good photo.  My next one is my take on a peacock feather.  I was so thrilled when it was done, Amelia looks at it and says, "hey, this looks like a peacock feather".  Success!!!
 I told Phil it was the same feeling when we stepped out of the car on Halloween and the first person to see her costume nailed it.  I love this one so much that I want to make one for me, but am too chicken to wear it because I am afraid I can't pull it off, or that I will look like I am trying to be a tween.  Now I am going to attempt to make a Valentine's one like this red sequin heart one from the Gap (12.50, rip off or what)  I'll add a pic if I get to it anytime soon.


  1. You need to have more guts because you could pull off anything! that peacock one is my fav. it's awesome! and less creepy than a real feather...but you know I have something against REAL birds. ew.

  2. ps. im betting the craft store would even have a sequin heart to just GLUE onto a headband!
