Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On the bright side

This is one of my flower projects.  I wanted cherry blossoms and have that bright pink crepe paper, so I attached some sticks together to make a branch, then added the flowers and some buds.  This is a work in progress because these take forever.  This is the one time I wish I had a cricut to just cut out all the hundreds of flowers so I don't have to do it by hand.  But it's a nice mindless thing to do if I feel like watching a movie.  This branch was 1 movie and about 4 episodes of Pushing Daisies worth.  See how long it takes!!!!  I hope to make more on this branch and then maybe make one or 2 more branches and put them in their own vase (or a wire urn or birdhouse or something cool) somewhere.  Maybe our room can be designed around these.  But really, I envision them being in Amelia's room some day when she has a room of her own. Too girly to make Ben endure.