Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Need some help

This is the wood paneling in my living room.  Lat night I just came to the peek of my frustration and realized that I cannot decorate around it or with it.  I wanted to spice up our house and try some new bright colors but they just clash.  Everything does. This picture is hideous too because I am in the middle of changing the books to see if that helped (didn't) and I have a bunch of plants I am not sure if I want to use as well as frames, so there is a lot going on.  Which I don't want.  I need some suggestions for this paneling.  The only thing that goes is like country old school, and that's not my type. I don't want to go back to drab red and earth tones that we always do, but I am starting to fear that's what I will have to. I read about starching fabric onto walls, but not sure if it would ruin the wood.  We rent, so can't paint, can't put sheet rock over it, can't do anything that would be permanent or damage it or leave big holes.  Plus the fireplace is fake, but has a gas nozzle inside that pokes out and I need to keep it covered up so kids don't turn it on.  Are you getting a sense of my dilemma now??  Plus, the mirror came with it, and it is mounted on there pretty good.  Maybe it can go in storage.  That might be a good start, but I strangely kind of like it.  Picks up the light from the window and makes the room so bright and I am a big bright light person.(100+ light bulbs is my preference) I am open to the idea of framing it better.  Suggestions???


  1. Darn. If you painted that paneling white it could be really cute. I dont know how the gas thing sticks out but I really invision all sorts of white candles (different heights and widths) inside of the fireplace. It'd be really simple. You need some light color in the whole wall to lighten things up. I agree with the mirror-it's nice for light and to make the room seem larger. I'll think on this one.

  2. I feel your pain. Our basement is wood paneled and that is why I use it for storage only. :) I love the mirror, brightens up the space, could you paint the frame or add molding to make it stand out more? I agree about wishing you could paint the molding white. Have you asked your landlords? I asked ours shortly after moving here and they didn't mind if I did any painting or removed wallpaper as long as it was tasteful (and out of my pocket not theirs :)
    Or maybe you could just make a (mock) mantle out of some spare wood and paint it white to make it break up the wood paneling? I have seen lots of faux fireplace mantles out in blog land that you could do something similar and frame out around the fireplace for something different(that way it wouldn't be permanent). I have also seen people line the back of the bookshelves. Wonder if you could use cardboard or something to add scrapbook paper too and set in the back to make it look like painted backing on the shelves? I know I am not too helpful, I just really feel your pain on wood paneling!
