Monday, April 11, 2011

Yum again

Ben has the flu today.  Good thing I made some chicken noodle soup.  What do you do when you are stuck at home with a clingy child and another child climbing the walls??  We watched the musical stage version of Peter Pan.  Kids got halfway when Ben said he was bored.  Lasted longer than I thought.  He is currently on his second nap so I took the opportunity to bake for Amelia (Ok, me too)  I made these.

Chocolate Truffle Cookies.  And yes, they are as good as they sound.  Imagine truffles that are coated in cocoa that you get at Trader Joe's or Costco (or at least that's where I get mine) but in cookie form.  These have no eggs, so the undercooked thing is good and is what totally makes them truffle like.  Really good.  I made a few adjustments for the dairy free thing.  I used non dairy margarine instead of butter and soured soy milk (soy milk with vinegar and let it curdle a little) instead of yogurt.  I also increased the flour a little since the dough was a little runnier and the margarine tends to make cookies spread more.  I also froze them for a little bit so they were nice and cold when the went in the oven.  Seemed to keep them from spreading too much.  They weren't quite balls, but round little mounds.......of deliciousness.  I highly recommend. But seriously, what don't I recommend from her blog???  Now I am off to play outside with a highly needy and today, greatly neglected 4 year old.

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