Monday, March 7, 2011


Projects without pics, I hate that.  But you get the joys of hearing about what I have crossed off my list without the proof.  I re-purposed a pair of Phil's jeans into some for Ben.  I did take pics, but I did not finish yet so I am saving them for a real post. The reason I didn't finish, I made them while my kids were napping (Amelia fell asleep reading a book behind our chair in a corner.  It was kind of cute and unexpected but nice) When I tried them on for Ben they were huge on him.  It was frustrating, but I knew I should have tried them on before I finished but I thought since I used a pair of his jeans as a pattern they would fit.  Lesson to learn, always try them on before I finish.  So I have unpick all the waistband and side seams to take it in and I was just burnt out of the mess of sewing at that point.  But, they are soo cute.  Can't wait for the final result. 
I also made some baby gifts for a friend of my sister's.  A really cute bib and a teething block and crocheted teething rings. Kind of a teething gift set.  They were all pretty cute, so I hope she likes them and the baby too. I was attempting to make a fabric ring stacker without a pattern, but could not figure out how to make it work without tons of hand stitching and my hand stitching never holds up, so I abandoned that idea at like 10pm and did the teething rings instead and was really glad.  I haven't completely given up on the ring stacker.  Just need a pattern or hours of trial and error. 
I also made a new bed for Amelia's dollhouse since attempt #1 was horrid.  I got a saw for my birthday, so it was fun to use.  The bed needs another coat of paint and lacquer today before I can take a pic of the final product.  I also made it a lot smaller so it fits in the house much better than the first and thicker wood so it's sturdier.  But I couldn't get the legs in with nails or the wood will just split, so I need to get some itty bitty screws.  But for now, it's more of a sleigh bed that sits on the floor.  Amelia likes it, and that's all that matters. So I may just leave it.
I also attempted a few new recipes and no one in family cared about it or liked it and this is why I hate cooking.  If they like chicken nuggets, pbj's, taquitos and potstickers better than fresh asparagus and provolone stuffed chicken breasts (yes I made that and it was delicious to me so I guess it wasn't a total waste) then why bother??  And that is also why I bake.  No one turns down fresh rolls, muffins, cookies or my attempts at new recipes of pistachio chocolate cake or chocolate marshmallow cookies. Nope, just the healthy fresh stuff.   This leads me to my next post I think.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see all the cool stuff you're going to make with your saw!
